Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

April 24, 2009


Attention all guppies!!!  An urgent ARIEL ALERT has been issued in Brooklyn this afternoon.  Our beloved power bottom Little Mermaid has been missing in action for almost a fortnight!!!  Gossip Guppy wants all those on dry land to look out for a tall, tanned, and toned sea creature sashaying away in the Williamsburg vicinity.  Ariel is best described as a cross between Daryl Hannah and Liberace.  She is known for her piercing “rape eyes” and an endless fascination with pool toys.  Although no sightings have been reported thus far, we have received a couple significant leads.  Scuttle the Seagull discovered a dinglehopper attached to a glowstick outside of Sugarland early Sunday morning.  It has also been reported that Ariel’s weekly gig at the Cock presenting drag bingo has been replaced by Ursula’s burlesque review.  Might fishy, if you ask Gossip Guppy!!!  Any information regarding the whereabouts of Miss Thaaang should be immediately forwarded to the kind woman who swipes IDs at the Metropolitan Pool.  Let us all bow our gills and pray that Ariel will soon be brought back where she belongs…..UNDER THE SEA!!!
Gossip Guppy   

Speedo-ed: Birthing Bear
April 8, 2009


You may look at the above pic and think “awww what a cute little bear!”  WRONG!  Do not get it twisted!  Gossip Guppy here to let you know that swimming bears are a menace to society.  Last night the notorious Big Bad Bedford Avenue Birthing Bear was spotted pounding his paws with reckless abandon in the medium lane yet again.  BB thrashed his big body against the the water in a feverish fashion without any regard to his fellow swimmers.  He must be stopped!!!  Dirty looks do not affect him.  Sly little “accidental” kicks have proved unsuccessful.  Even an intervention by the lifeguard did not work.  Until we find a cure for this curious case of the clumsy cub, you can catch me werking it out in the fast lane!

H2O  🙂  Gossip Guppy

Gossip Guppy Here….
April 7, 2009


Welcome to my first official dive into the wet world of aqua-gossip!  I’ve been encouraged by my cousin from across the river, Gossip Girl, to continue in the family business of scuttlebutt.  While she dishes the dirt on the socialite set, I like to serve up the splash on the Speedo set.  Grab your goggles and freestyle with me into the deep end of Brookyln’s most notorious swim lanes.  And who am I?  I’ll never tail.  You know you love me.

H2O  🙂

Gossip Guppy

Hello world!
April 7, 2009

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!