Speedo-ed: Birthing Bear


You may look at the above pic and think “awww what a cute little bear!”  WRONG!  Do not get it twisted!  Gossip Guppy here to let you know that swimming bears are a menace to society.  Last night the notorious Big Bad Bedford Avenue Birthing Bear was spotted pounding his paws with reckless abandon in the medium lane yet again.  BB thrashed his big body against the the water in a feverish fashion without any regard to his fellow swimmers.  He must be stopped!!!  Dirty looks do not affect him.  Sly little “accidental” kicks have proved unsuccessful.  Even an intervention by the lifeguard did not work.  Until we find a cure for this curious case of the clumsy cub, you can catch me werking it out in the fast lane!

H2O  🙂  Gossip Guppy

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